Listed below are just 45 prophecies of over 300 given in the Old Testament concerning the First Coming of Jesus Christ. To the right of each prophecy is the Old Testament scripture reference and then the New Testament reference showing the fulfillment.
1. He was born of a woman (Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4)
2. He was a descendant of Abraham (Gen. 12:3, 7; Matt. 1:1; Gal. 3:16)
3. He was of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49:10; Heb. 7:14, Rev. 5:5)
4. He was of the house or family of David (2 Sam. 7:12-13; Luke 1:31- 33)
5. He was born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matt. 1:22-23)
6. He was called Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14; Matt. 1:23)
7. He had a forerunner (Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1-3; Matt. 3:1-3; Luke 1:76-78)
8. He was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matt. 2:5-6; Luke 2:4-6)
9. He was worshiped by wise men & given gifts (Psalm 72:10-11; Isaiah 60:3, 6, 9; Matt 2:11)
10. He was in Egypt for a season (Hosea 11:1; Matt. 2:15)
11. His birthplace was a place where infants were slaughtered (Jeremiah 31:15; Matt. 2:16)
12. He was zealous for the Father (Psalm 69:9; John 6:37-40)
13. He was filled with God’s Spirit (Isaiah 11:2; Luke 4:18-19)
14. He was a mighty healer (Isaiah 35:5-6; Matt. 8:16-17)
15. He ministered to the Gentiles (Isaiah 9:1-2, 42-1-3; Matt 4:13-16; 12:17-21)
16. He spoke in parables (Isaiah 6:9-10; Matt. 13:10-15)
17. He was rejected by the Jewish people (Psalm 69:8; Isaiah 53:3; John 1:11, 7:5)
18. He made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9; Matt. 21:4-5)
19. He was praised by little children (Psalm 8:2; Matt. 21:16)
20. He was the rejected cornerstone (Psalm 118:22-23; Matt. 21:42)
21. His miracles were not believed (Isaiah 53:1; John 12:37-38)
22. He was betrayed by his friend for thirty pieces of silver (Psalm 41:9; Zechariah 11:12-13; Matt 26:14-16, 21-25)
23. He was a man of sorrows (Isaiah 53:3; Matt 26:37-38)
24. He was forsaken by his disciples (Zechariah 13:7; Matt. 26:31, 56)
25. He was beaten and spit upon (Isaiah 50:6; Matt. 26:67; 27:26)
26. His betrayal money was used to purchase a potter’s field (Zechariah 11:12-13; Matt. 27:9-10)
27. He was executed by means of piercing his hands and feet (Psalm 22:16; Zechariah 12:10: John 19:34, 37)
28. He was crucified between two thieves (Isaiah 53:12; Matt 27:38)
29. He was given vinegar to drink (Psalm 69:21; Matt. 27:34)
30. His garments were divided, and soldiers gambled for them (Psalm 22:18; Luke 23:34)
31. He was surrounded & ridiculed by enemies (Psalm 22:7-8; Matt 27:39-44)
32. He was thirsty on the cross (Psalm 22:15; John 19:28)
33. He commended His Spirit to the Father (Psalm 31:5: Luke 23:46)
34. He uttered a forsaken cry on the cross (Psalm 22:1; Matt 27:46)
35. He committed Himself to God (Psalm 31:5; Luke 23:46)
36. He was hated without cause (Psalm 69:4; John 15:25)
37. People shook their heads as they saw Him on the cross (Psalm 109:25; Matt. 27:39)
38. He was silent before His accusers (Isaiah 53:7; Matt. 27:12)
39. His bones were not broken ( Exodus 12:46: Psalm 34:20; John 19:33-36)
40. He was stared at in death (Zechariah 12:10; Matt. 27:36: John 19:37)
41. He was buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matt. 27:57-60)
42. He rose from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Matt 28:2-7)
43. He was and is a High Priest greater than Aaron (Psalm 11:4; Hebrews 5:4-6)
44. He ascended to glory (Psalm 68:18; Ephesians 4:8)
45. He was and is seated at the right Hand of the Father (Psalm 110:1; Hebrews 10:12-13)